Tasmanian Hemp Hearts

Tasmanian Hemp Hearts


$53.50 /kg
(order by kg or part kg)

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Product Code: AUPHO

GM Free Gluten Free Ingredients Dairy Free No Refined Sugar Vegan Tasmanian

Hobart: In stock
Launceston: Low stock


A delicious and nutritious seed that has been eaten for thousands of years all over the world. Hemp hearts are the name commonly given to the hemp seeds soft inside, rather than the crunchy whole seed. Hemp hearts contain high amounts of plant-based protein, zinc, magnesium, iron, fibre and the essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 & GLA. Gram for gram, they contain more omega 3 and 6 than fish, chia and flax seeds! A light nutty flavour.


> Great in sweet and savoury dishes. Pop in smoothies and protein shakes, add to salads, dips, stir-fries, burger patties, pasta, home-made chocolate, desserts, baking and sprinkle on your breakfast cereal!

Product should last up to 2 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool dark area. Refrigerate where possible.

Ingredients: Tasmanian Hemp Hearts

Country of origin: Australia

Nutrition info per 100g: Energy 2720 kJ; Protein 31.2 g; Total Fat 57.1 g; -Saturated 5.3 g; Carbohydrate 1.6 g; -Sugars 1.6 g; Sodium 6 mg

Product should last up to 12 months if stored dry and airtight in a cool dark area.

Nuts, peanuts, soy, milk products, gluten and other allergens are processed on the same premises and there is a potential for cross-contamination.