Organic Buckwheat Flour

Organic Buckwheat Flour


$11.75 /kg
(order by kg or part kg)

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Product Code: BUF

Organic GM Free Gluten Free Ingredients Dairy Free No Refined Sugar Vegan

Hobart: Not currently available
Launceston: Not currently available

Brand: Kialla


Buckwheat is not technically a grain, but a seed from the rhubarb and sorrel family! It has a robust nutty flavour, and is extremely versatile as a gluten free flour. It can be used in any recipe, but is perfect for baking and pasta making. High in protein, dietary fibre, B vitamins, and is an excellent source of potassium and essential amino acids.


> Perfect for baking, pizza bases, pasta, crackers and for making yummy buckwheat pancakes with your favourite toppings!

> Can be used to make bread (including sourdough), but it is a little denser than other whole flours. Its best to mix it half and half with another flour to ensure better rising and texture.

> Traditionally used to make Russian blini, French Brittany crepes and Japanese soba noodles.

Product should last up to 6 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool dark area.

Ingredients: Organic Buckwheat Flour

Country of origin: Usa

Nutrition info per 100g: Energy 1475 kJ; Protein 12.2 g; Total Fat 3.4 g; -Saturated 0.7 g; Carbohydrate 61.5 g; -Sugars 1 g; Sodium 1 mg

Product should last up to 12 months if stored dry and airtight in a cool dark area.

Nuts, peanuts, soy, milk products, gluten and other allergens are processed on the same premises and there is a potential for cross-contamination.