Corn Flakes

Corn Flakes


$16.80 /kg
(order by kg or part kg)

Product Code: COF

GM Free Gluten Free Ingredients Dairy Free Vegan

Hobart: In stock
Launceston: In stock


These delicious crispy, golden toasted flakes of corn are a favourite breakfast cereal, and also have a range of other uses. A good source of folate, vitamins and minerals.


> A delicious gluten free breakfast cereal alternative, on its own or by combining with other cereals. Great in muesli mixes.

> Perfect in baking, cookies and muesli bars. Used for making Honey Joys - a yummy childrens party treat.

> Crushed corn flakes can be used in place of breadcrumbs.

Product should last up to 12 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool dark area.

Ingredients: Corn, Sugar, Salt, Vegan Emulsifier (471), Vitamins (Niacin, B2, B1, Folate)

Country of origin: Australia 99%, Imported 1%

Nutrition info per 100g: Energy 1600 kJ; Protein 6.6 g; Total Fat 1.4 g; -Saturated 1 g; Carbohydrate 83.5 g; -Sugars 10 g; Sodium 745 mg

Product should last up to 12 months if stored dry and airtight in a cool dark area.

Nuts, peanuts, soy, milk products, gluten and other allergens are processed on the same premises and there is a potential for cross-contamination.