Haricot Navy Beans

Haricot Navy Beans


$7.70 /kg
(order by kg or part kg)

Product Code: HNB

GM Free Gluten Free Ingredients Dairy Free No Refined Sugar Vegan

Hobart: In stock
Launceston: In stock


Rich in protein, folate, iron, thiamine and magnesium. Taste great when paired with fresh herbs or hotter spices. Traditionally used to make baked beans.


> Ideal for making your own hearty baked beans - mix 3 cups cooked beans, 1 sautéed onion, 1 cup stock, 1 cup pureed tomato, 1/2 cup molasses, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp mustard powder, 1 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp garlic powder and bake for 1 hour.

> Great added to salads, dips, soups, hot pots, curries, spiced dishes or veggie burger patties. Spicy beans are tasty on baked potatoes with cheese.

> Soak: Rinse and soak 4-6 hours

> Cook: Bring to boil and simmer for about 60-90min until tender. 1 cup beans to 3 cups water.

Product should last up to 18 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool dark area.

Ingredients: Navy Haricot Beans

Country of origin: Canada

Nutrition info per 100g: Energy 1260 kJ; Protein 21.9 g; Total Fat 2.2 g; -Saturated 0.3 g; Carbohydrate 38.7 g; -Sugars 3.5 g; Sodium 4 mg

Product should last up to 12 months if stored dry and airtight in a cool dark area.

Nuts, peanuts, soy, milk products, gluten and other allergens are processed on the same premises and there is a potential for cross-contamination.