Australian Sunflower Seeds

Australian Sunflower Seeds


$14.50 /kg
(order by kg or part kg)

Check product page for availability

Product Code: SUSA

GM Free Gluten Free Ingredients Dairy Free No Refined Sugar Vegan

Hobart: Not currently available
Launceston: In stock


Sunflower seeds are harvested from the flower head of the sunflower plant. They have a delicious smooth nutty flavour, and great crunchy texture. High in vitamin E and a good source of iron and magnesium. Can be eaten raw or lightly toasted.


> Great to eat as a snack as they are, or sprinkle over cereal, smoothies, salads, pizza, bakes, rice dishes, stir-fries or garnish any dish. Can add to trail mix.

> Delicious in home made bread, baking, muffins, energy balls and muesli bars.

> Grind into a meal to make LSA (Linseed, Sunflower Seed, Almond), or for crumbing and baking (as a flour).

> Can be soaked to make fresh sprouts.

Product should last up to 12 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool dark area.

Ingredients: Sunflower Seeds

Country of origin: Australia 100%

Nutrition info per 100g: Energy 2445 kJ; Protein 20.8 g; Total Fat 51.5 g; -Saturated 4.5 g; Carbohydrate 20 g; -Sugars 2.6 g; Sodium 9 mg

Product should last up to 12 months if stored dry and airtight in a cool dark area.

Nuts, peanuts, soy, milk products, gluten and other allergens are processed on the same premises and there is a potential for cross-contamination.